
Pennywhistle, Whistle Me a Tune



2 Years
02-03-2016, 01:47 PM

The Rock Garden was wreathed in a thick fog. Boulders loomed, pale and fuzzy, just on the edge of her vision. Sinfi breathed in deeply through her nostrils, allowing the cool moisture of the air to fill her lungs. It was cool and sweet and she imagined a wave of water washing through her veins. She imagined her paws growing roots into the earth, just like her Mamma had taught her. Everything was calm, eerily quiet as muffled by the fog. She privately wished that the moment would never end. If her brothers were here, one of them would probably have tried to convince her this was a cairn haunted by a wraith, but she was too old for that nonsense. Still... She cracked open an eye and cast a quick glance over her shoulder.

This place felt strong to her. She hummed to herself and wished she could know it's history in the thousands of years priors. She wanted to know the names of the heroes and the deeds done, battles faught, loves lost. Instead, she gave a sad sigh. Wishing and moping would do her no good. But perhaps she could stay for a few days and get familiar with the area. She could put together a small shrine perhaps, and ask the spirits for a favor or a dream perhaps. She stood with a smile, and began to gather piles of moss, thinking on what way would be just right to do this.

"Talk" "You" Think
WARNING: This lil lady is prone to rude, crude, and downright inappropriate behavior. You have been warned.