
Song of Waves


04-22-2013, 06:59 PM

A lupine smile settled on Ocena's features as Genesis bowed slightly in her direction. Genesis, hmm? It was an interesting name, but the female committed it to memory all the same, tail flicking easily in the air as she watched the male move to smack the foreign structure with his tail. Echoes reverberated in the air and Ocena moved forward, swatting lightly at it with a paw. The reaction was much the same, but the sound of her claws against the substance made an interesting noise, one that had Ocena's nerves on edge. Hmm. That wasn't something she intended to repeat.

Backing up a few dainty steps, Ocena turned her head to glance in Genesis' direction, "Interesting," The female mused, flicking her tail slightly, "I've never seen anything quite like it, Genesis." Ocena mused absently, toying at the mystery of this strange structure as she settled back on her haunches, head tilting back so that she could take in the entirety of this structure.

She spent only a few moments settling like this when Genesis began to bound away, glancing back over his shoulder and summoning the female with a bold voice. "Right behind you!" Ocena responded swiftly, leaping to her paws and hurrying after the male. The light sound of her claws tapping against the floors echoed in the air as she padded a few dainty steps closer to Genesis, unwilling to get separated from her companion in this strange structure. "I wonder if there are any other wolves in here..." Ocena mused absently, ears flicking about almost nervously.

It was harder to see inside this strange structure than Ocena was willing to admit. She didn't want to put her weakness out in the open like that, so instead of mentioning anything about the blind eye, Ocena kept her other senses on high alert, ears straining to pick up any sounds around her, and her nostrils constantly wide, drinking in as much air as possible. "This is . . . strange." Ocena spoke softly, her voice surprisingly loud in the cool air.
