
This is starting to suck



1 Year
02-03-2016, 03:12 PM

Illie tried to ready herself for something she didn't know, trying to rely on instincts that could use some work. Everything inside of her was telling her to run, to not face this obviously experianced fighter. But she stayed strong, as if it would prove to herself and to this woman that she wasn't weak. That she could do...things. Her toes pressed against the ground, more in nervous habit than anything, but blue eyes grew slightly wider at the comment of fish. Oh crap. This wasn't going to be fun, was it. But! She didn't allow that to make her back down, not at all. But she just...wasn't prepared for fighting. She could barely remember anything, let alone fighting, if she had ever done it before, that is. So when Mercy leapt at her, jaws agape, Illie couldn't help how she reacted. The snarl the white woman let lose tore through her, vibrating through her entire body as if the entire ground shook, and she let out a yelp and leapt to the left before she could even blink. When she realized what she had done she growled and stomped her foot, quickly spinning around to face Mercy again.

That wasn't fair! Mercy couldn't expect her to know.... Quickly she shook her head, a determined set look in her eyes as she copied the woman's stance again. This time, she flowed through the motions. Her shoulders rolled forward as her head lined with her spin and chin tilted down to protect her throat. Fur piloerected as she rose her hackles, bent down on her knees. Tail lashed out behind her for balance and to show her impatience in herself. She wasn't happy with herself, not at all. Ears pinned, eyes narrowed and toes and claws cut into the earth. "Do over!" She barked, loudly. She was going to be able to fight, even if it killed her. She wanted to show Mercy she could, wanted to show herself...


*Note: Illie has cliche amnesia. She doesn't remembers that her name is Illie Skye, and nothing more. She will only introduce herself as Illie, and respond to that. Have fun.