
Viene fornito con il tempo

Sparrow I


7 Years
02-03-2016, 05:58 PM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2016, 05:58 PM by Sparrow I.)
Starling approached and Sparrow found herself sighing. She didn't feel like talking, so she just listened. Starling used Italian to speak to her. He said he was a good healer. Sparrow's ears flicked back. Okay, cool...? She didn't know where he was going with this. He talked about how dedicated he was to his craft and then ended with how that had made him too distracted to help her. Since she was feeling snarky, she thought to herself, "Yeah, as if I need your help." The girl breathed softly. Okay, she was being rude.

Wait. No. He was being rude.

Sparrow felt like her trust was dividing. Did he just say that she didn't respect him because SHE hadn't found her niche. He said he wanted to help her, but Sparrow felt like she was a bit beyond that point. She didn't even want to speak Italian right now, "No, you're wrong. I DO respect you as a healer. I ALWAYS have. When I came back with Dad and saw how advanced you are, I was SO INSPIRED. I was SO PROUD. I DON'T respect you making everything about how you feel at the moment. I'm tired of trying to stop wars and explain situations just to have you, my brother, get all emotional and run away. You want to say I don't respect you, but you don't respect yourself." Sparrow let the silence fall for a moment. She thought about every meeting where Starling left. She thought about how he always shied away from her when they would try to find herbs together, "I didn't need your HELP growing up, I needed your companionship. You're too busy acting like I'm after your rank and disappearing for a season to even act like I'm your sister anymore."

Sparrow readjusted, slowly sitting up, "Listen. With Finch, I wasn't sure, and when everyone asked me what happened, I tried to give an objective view. I knew what herbs you used and I could smell them- even though I'm sure Aunt Harmony could too. I was trying to keep everyone in the pack informed since it didn't seem like anyone else could talk. You yourself say you aren't levelheaded. I was trying to be. I was trying to help. Who else could even name the herbs? Sorry I didn't hand out compliments and honors, I thought saying you were the one to treat her would be enough, but you turned and left our sister as if I had attacked you. Nothing I said was out of malice, Starling. I never would try to undermine you, but you had already done your part and I thought it was time for us to rest since our travels had been long and we had pushed our limits. I said we were tired, and you, acting the way you did, proved me right. We were all emotionally strained, but I was just trying my best." Sparrow stopped now, panting softly. Her eyes covered slightly with tears, but they didn't fall, "You think I don't respect you, but you never once respected me. Because I wasn't a healer. Because I wasn't Lark or Dad... or Lillianna. I might not have a niche, and I may not be an amazing healer, or Dad's favorite, or anything, but damn it I'm TRYING." Sparrow shook her head and stood, "I'm just so tired of everyone acting like I'm some dumb creature who just opens my maw to insult people. And now you're even trying to take pity on me. You really have no faith in me, do you?" Her words felt empty. She felt like she should be shaking, but she wasn't. She felt bad, but also almost like she felt nothing, "Come possiamo fidarci l'uno dell'altro? Ti amo, Starling. Voglio essere in grado di aiutarci a vicenda. Voglio essere come fratelli di nuovo, non concorrenti." Sparrow finally slipped into their family language. She was so tired.

Translate: How can we trust each other? I love you, Starling. I want to be able to help each other. I want to be like siblings again, not competitors.