
Don't Get Too Close


02-03-2016, 10:07 PM

Things were...strange. Not too long ago he had found Marina within the borders of a pack, an alphess. He was surprised when he found out, but he was happy she'd found somewhere her and her children could grow. However, it wasn't long after that when he heard a different howl...someone else's voice, calling from her lands. He never met any of her children, so he was in the dark about whether it was someone from her family or a stranger entirely. He hadn't stayed that day, he was unsure about joining a pack...her pack, until he got to know her better. It wasn't for him, it was more for her. With the history that his homeland had with hers, he wasn't sure how stable a relationship they could have whether it was friends or...more. No, he couldn't think that. Friends was probably all they'd be.

Shortly after that howl though, worry had gnawed at his gut. He had decided to head towards her pack again to see if she was alright, and on his way, her scent led away from the southern lands. Confusion and more worry filled him, so he followed her trail without a second thought. His tracking brought him to the base of a mountain in the East, and as her scent trail began to fade with the mud and the rains that had ravaged the eastern lands, he would stop here. Steel blue gaze followed the path up the mountain, the smell of ash and sulfur filled the air, mixing with the scents of the damp earth...he would start there. Dark paws began the trek up the mountain, the male on alert for signs of the familiar form. More then an hour would pass, and he would begin to think that perhaps...she had moved on past the mountain.

And perhaps he had thought too soon. He stopped in his tracks when a different scent mingled with the scent of ash and wet ground, his brows pulled together and a frown creased his lips. Almost hurriedly, the titan male followed the scent until it grew stronger, and as he rounded a mound of earth, the sick scent was stronger. He knew vaguely that Marina was not alright...mentally, anyway. Remembering back to their first meeting. So instead of rushing over to see if she was okay, he would stand a good yard away near the den. "Marina? Is that you?" His voice was colored with worry and hesitance.

"What I Say" "What I Heard" What I Think