
Taste The Rainbow


02-03-2016, 10:42 PM

It was warmer here. Definitely warmer in the southern parts of the continent. And while he couldn't bring himself to go back to where he came from, this would be as far south as he'd go...Steel blue gaze watched the waters carefully, the male avoiding any hidden sharp sticks or rocks. Especially after the storms that had ravaged the lands, he needed to be careful to make sure he didn't cut himself on any debris. However, the trek through the shallow waters of the plains wasn't as strenuous as he thought. The water would give way to damp land, and he would be somewhat free of the brackish waters. His paws would be the only ones drowned in the water, while the sky above was crisp and clear. The sun shone down on this land, bright and warm...which was more then he could say for himself. His mind was heavy, the titan feeling as lonely as ever. He had no home, the one friend he did have...she was unstable. It was confusing to say the least. For now though, he would push those thoughts away and try to enjoy the beautiful day. Maybe go fishing later and find something...interesting.

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