
Dancing Ripples



3 Years
02-04-2016, 12:32 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Unhurriedly, the white wolf traveled toward the center of the Wolfpaw Lake territory. He carried himself in his usual manner, tail relaxed and head low, with his eyes watching his footing as he walked and thought about his current hunt for a den. His exploration of the Vericona Plains had gone well, everything considered. The territory proved to be spacious and very open, only dotted sparingly with a few scarce trees and the occasional stream of water. He liked it for what it was, but he had saved the lake for second. He had an inkling he would end up settling here, but it seemed right to consider all of his options first.

Deciding to start from the center and work his way out, he walked straight toward the lake at the center of the territory, and was only a little surprised to see Surreal there, situated at the lake's edge and drinking from the water. Miksa halted, hesitated for a second upon seeing her. It was always so intimidating to talk to his leaders, no matter how considerate and approachable they made themselves out to be. He felt so eager to prove his worth to them, eager to pay back their kindness in letting him live within their territory, that it added a different kind of pressure to every interaction. Trying to set those worries from his mind however - attempting to sneak away would have simply been too cowardly - Miksa drew in a steeling breath and approached the lake.

The expression on his face could only have been described as solemn and nervous, but he made himself speak so as not to ignore the grey wolf there. "Hello, Surreal."