
I got a scar I can talk about


02-04-2016, 09:57 AM

The news was likely hard to bare. The Olympian’s had been proud wolves, yet it seemed their pack had simply been doomed to fail. For what reason Thanatos knew only the Gods could say. It was through no single fault of any of the leaders in his own opinion. The Olympians merely drifted apart from each other. Lost their way. It was a sad, cold fact. Maybe there would be another time, another day when an Olympian would hold a pack in Alacritia. But that day was not now... And Thany knew that were it resting on his shoulders to be the one to do so it would never happen.

Thany would give a firm nod as Hera made her comment about Shiki, as well as stating that she would have to meet him. “We... Need... To figure... Out... What... To do... Too.” He would confess softly. He hadn’t asked Shiki if he might consider joining a pack... Though he personally would have felt more secure and have peace of mind within one.

“When you... Decide... Let... Me know...” Thanatos would not advert his gaze from his cousin. “Family... Should... Try to... Stick... Together.” He wanted to be there for her, and he hoped she would catch that meaning in his words.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Chrono