
small things


02-04-2016, 11:02 AM

Vedis’ words brought a bit of a smirk to Akemi’s lips. Poetic? Had she grown that soft? Perhaps becoming a mother, among her other trials, had changed her more than she thought. Though she couldn’t say that she was necessarily upset with the outcome. She had learned more in these years spent in Alacritia then any other point of her life. It made her realize, the hard way, that wolves changed. They came in and out of your life. You just had to keep living.

Akemi’s gaze would become saddened when Vedis posed her question though. “In the beginning... It seemed a good many of us had come. Tyr, Baldy, Thor, Loki, Freyr just to name some. But as time wore on Vedis they’ve gone. Whether death has claimed them or they simply found elsewhere to call home it seems that you, I, and Hati are all that remains.” Akemi would close the distance between Vedis and herself, giving an almost loving nuzzle to the other woman’s shoulder.

“I... I miss how things used to be, as crazy as it is to say. I miss the days of our youth. Things were hard but...” Akemi shook her head. “Broken family or not, it felt more like a family back then than it does now.”

Table by:: Tealah