
Right here, right now!



1 Year
02-04-2016, 10:29 PM

Illie was bored, restless, what have you. She really didn't like sitting around, because that just let her mind reel. Her thoughts were usually all over the place, and most of them weren't very fun, so she didn't like thinking very much. Not right now at least. So she looked for something to do! Patrolling seemed fun, she had done it with Ash and Mercy, but after two passes she had gotten kinda bored, so that was out. Perhaps she could go bug another one of her new packmates! But who. She hummed softly as she moved through the lands she was beginning to recognize, her eyes searching the grass, as if that would bring about something.

Large blue eyes lifted to the sky when a call rang out, her head tilted slightly to the left. Oh? Well...this seemed fun. She'd grin before bounding off in that direction, seeing another massive wolf standing in wait. "Geesh! Another mountain!" She said loudly, huffing as she stepped towards this strange girl. She was beginning to understand Mercy's sensitivity to her height, and the white woman was still taller than Illie! "Are you wantin to fight?" She asked almost hopefully, a gentle grin on her lips before she took a step back and spread her legs to a shoulder width distance, lowering her head like Mercy had taught her. "Cause it sounds fun!"

Illie v Rhys
Round 0/2?
For spar related activities

*Note: Illie has cliche amnesia. She doesn't remembers that her name is Illie Skye, and nothing more. She will only introduce herself as Illie, and respond to that. Have fun.