02-05-2016, 11:56 PM
Walk | Talk | Think Gale stood at the base of Mount Volkan, staring upward at its soaring heights with a thoughtful, rather confused little frown set upon her brow. It was...odd, being back here. Being the first home her family had claimed, even if unofficially, Gale had expected to feel something for the territory once she returned to it, a little bit of nostalgia, a bittersweet longing. Something. The mountain had served its purpose well while the Elementas clan had claimed it as theirs, but it seemed those months she had stayed there Gale had not formed any sort of attachment to the territory, not the same way she had to the Obsidian Beach that was still currently flooded and inaccessible except for the cliffs that overlooked it. Strange how that all worked out. With a sigh, the grey and lavender wolf rolled her shoulders. Oh well. She was not here to stir up old memories. She was on a mission. It was not quite the same as the previous mission she had taken at Glacier's request - the mission for the long-absent father - but it was similar in a way. A relative was missing and they needed to be found. The only problem this time around was that it was her own brother that was missing, the moody storm cloud Arcus, and rather than just wandering away he had very purposefully chosen to stay away from them. Which meant there was a chance he might actively avoid her if he caught her scent first. It irked her even to think about - they were family, there was no excuse for this! - but she tried to keep her temper soothed with the occasional deep breath as she marched onward in search of her brother Rumble. I can do this, she reminded herself as she released another forcibly calm, deep breath, I can find him, have a nice talk with him about the weddings, and convince him that being there when they happen is just what he wants to do. Assuming he played nice and kept his personal rain cloud to himself. Gale desperately hoped he would. Gale