
When the world turns its back on you



6 Years
Extra large
02-06-2016, 03:57 PM

Anais had noticed what he had, and he would expect nothing else from his calm and beloved wife. She didn't seem as worried as he did, and he would quickly realize she had gathered far more then he had from their little one's behavior. He watched her carefully as he listened to what she said, pointing out her inability to follow directions (through honestly the same could be said about Ray) next, in a calm and collected voice she would ask him one last thing, and he sighed softly, finally putting together thoughts she had already examined and answered. “She's deaf” he said softly, putting it all together at last. He sat down on his hunches, lifting his nose to the air and looking about his pack lands as he collected his thoughts. What did this mean for their sweet girl? Would she have a hard time at life for this disability? No. she was the daughter of an Alpha, she was in the middle of a huge and loving family. He would ensure that everyone here learned to speak to her properly, and he would teach her to read what he spoke by looking at his lips.

They would work this out, they had to, they would keep her safe. He couldn't help the little prickle of unease in his stomach. There had never been disability in his family before, only a striking range of colors and personalities. Was this his fault? Could there be something in him passed on to his child? Would she suffer at life at it be for some reason something he had caused? He shoved the thought away, and returned his eyes to his love. “I will have to make sure everyone knows, so they know to get her attention in different ways, and to speak when her eyes are upon them” he said softly, knowing he wanted to speak of this to Voltage.