
The Courageous Wanderer

Thaddeus Rogue

04-22-2013, 06:14 PM
It had been a long time since Thaddeus Rogue thought of his family, yes every now and then he would stray close to those that filled his heart and mind, but he never truly sat down and pondered how such a large family, that where close for all intents and purposes, could scatter to the wind, non having the same experiences, or leading the same life. Just look at Raven, He stayed with the pack of their birth and grow to be a great Alpha or so Rogue had heard in his brief time with them. Then there was Collision, Thaddeus had heard neither heads or tails since there last encounter all those many years ago. They where close, but that was not shocking; Thaddeus has a good relationship with most of his siblings, why he could never say. But when Collision left, they had fought, making a rift in the bond they had. It had seemed at the time that Collision was abandoning all of the family for those that where not of his blood, and that was a blow to the husky marked brute, Rogue had not understood at the time that everyone had a path to walk, and Collisions was just elsewhere as was his, not that he knew it at the time, but now Thaddeus Rogue understands; they where one in the same, they had to find there own path and both paths lead away from Glaciem, well mostly; it seemed that no matter how far his rogue paws carried him he always found his way back to the icy tundra that his clan always called home.

Mid thought though had the duel colored brute stopping in his tracks. For the very being that was thinking about seemed to pop outta nowhere, He was mostly the same as he always has been, but different... He carried himself with power and pride, like he had accomplished something great, and as far as Rogue knew he had. That made Thaddeus laugh out loud, it was rich, when he was at his lowest his siblings are at there best, and they kept showing up to rub his nose in his failures, failures to himself and to them. it just so happened that his failure to Collision was lest dramatic then with Gargie. But alas it was a jokiest day, if not a sad one too, for regrets of the past where forefront on his mind...

"Hello brother...." Regrets from the past but also hope for the future filling his voice.