
It's about time!



4 Years
Extra large
02-06-2016, 10:51 PM

"Well, now you can tell everyone that you've met a princess!"

He couldn't argue with that logic. He almost got excited by that fact. His siblings and parents would love to know he'd met a princess! His face fell though as he thought about that. Too bad he wouldn't ever be able to tell them... and who knew where his siblings were. He might never get to tell them again either. Were they even alive? Well he guess he wouldn't have everyone to tell. Obviously Glacier and Anais already knew she was a princess. He didn't know anyone else... so he supposed he'd just have to wait till there was someone.

It made him happier when she flashed him another big smile. He returned it, after all he now had a best friend. He didn't really know her, but she was almost his age so he couldn't complain. At least maybe he'd have some company. He liked Glacier and Anais, but it was nice to know there was another pup around. He couldn't stay cooped away in his den forever. He was now at the age where, in his old pack at least, he'd be training in a field he was interested in. This was a new pack but the same rules applied to him. He'd have to get out and start learning something and that excited him a little bit.

"I'm a princess" She reminded him rather bluntly.

He thought about that for a minute and nodded hurriedly. She had a point. She was a princess so surely she was allowed to do what she wanted, right? Or at least most things so long as it wasn't too reckless. It wasn't like they were going to go off hunting bears or something... right? He hoped not at least. He didn't feel like being lunch for some angry behemoth.

"Come on, it'll be fun"

"Okay then." He resigned. "So long as it isn't too dangerous." He added for good measure. He didn't need his first trip out with a friend going horribly wrong. If something happened to her he didn't want to make Glacier upset. That wouldn't be a good idea. So he followed her to the mouth of the den ready to head off on her adventure. "Where are we going anyways?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]