
Round Em Up [Optional Fight Training]



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
02-06-2016, 11:21 PM

Ahh, peace. The adults seemed to settle down for now. Mercy especially seemed to fade into the back ground. The new woman, Avalon, shot Hati a scrunchy-faced type look, Hati glared back at her, and Cascade mused around. Esti shot her a look with a raised eyebrow. What was that look on her face? She didn't think the woman was going to be a problem, even if she was making faint faces and calling out the other members. Esti respected Cascade, and Birna similarly. As for the other adults, Esti wasn't totally sure. As for the pups, she was just glad they were playing along.

Simurgh offered some good answers and Esti nodded approvingly. The other pups kept silent until Dragon spoke up. Again, Esti nodded, "Now, I'm no expert on short attacks, but low and fast is about right. Large wolves can do stomps, slams, shoves, whatever. Small wolves can go for the tender, lower areas. You guys are exactly right! Good job!" Esti nodded firmly again. What else was there to fighting?

Esti looked around the group all looking nervous. Ah yes, "Okay! That brings me to a good point- confidence. In a fight, you can't lose confidence. Stay determined. So what if the opponent bad-mouths you or says you're dumb? You don't have time to care, you gotta go in, acting like your the best. That said, you also can't let you ego get inflated. Even if you won a hundred fights, you can still lose. Fighting is about balance or something. You have to fight with confidence as if you're the best, but keep a level head on you, as if you're one of the not-so-great." Esti really didn't know how to explain it, "You can know all your attacks and defenses, but if you wimp out, or try to turn tail and run- you lose. In some cases, that can mean your life. However, if you go in too boldly, you might miss something- which can also lead to defeat. It's important to keep a level head on you, no matter if it's a spar or death match. If you lose your head, you're dead, got it?"

Esti hummed to herself for a second. She needed to give the pups something to respond to, or they could just zone out and not learn anything, "Okay, confidence time and honesty time. I expect all of you younger ones to answer. So, what's one way you can work on keeping your confidence up while not getting too eager? Also, what is one thing you want to work on as a fighter? After we get answers, how about we break into spars and get this shhhhh-tuff into practice?" Esti smiled lopsidedly. Was she allowed to say shit in front of pups?


OOC: Four rounds to be a real training and get points and stuff so just bear with me. Also optional spars will happen at the end. Next round due SATURDAY the 13th. They can be short responses, reactions, questions, whatever.