


02-07-2016, 12:31 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The little blue pup crept and slunk across the ground of the prairie, using the tall grasses that grew there as cover. She was close, so close, to the border that she could almost taste freedom. Nervously Rory glanced over her shoulder but saw no one, the first time her luck had held out this long. Oh, if she could just get over the border, if she could just make the last few feet... No aunts, no uncles, no Mommy or Daddy or even Seraphiel would be there to keep her in check - not that Ray even kept herself in check. But if she could just make it, she would have gotten out all on her own, and that was something to be excited about!

Her tail wagged, rustling the grasses as she weaseled through the last few feet and paused for a moment just a step across the border. One last time Aurora peeked over her shoulder, casting quick, searching glances to either side. No one... She was free!

Foregoing all pretense of stealth and secrecy, the excited pup dashed forward at a dead run, tongue lolling and her dark blue tail waving victoriously behind her. Vibrant golden eyes gleamed as she ran, pushing herself as far as she dared away from the border of home and into new and uncharted territory, driven not so much by curiosity but by excitement. How far could she get before she needed to stop running? How far might she go before guilt or - heaven forbid it - a relative dragged her back home? Oh, what did it matter so long as she got to spend a few crazy moments outside the border and all independently on her own!

With an energetic yip that morphed into a playful growl, the youth tumbled and rolled into the grasses of this new hilly region, rolling and twisting and wriggling upon the ground with a giddy expression as she reveled in her temporary victory over grown ups and rules.