
It's about time!



2 Years
Extra large

02-07-2016, 12:44 AM (This post was last modified: 02-07-2016, 02:43 AM by Glacier.)

He wouldn't offer any protest at going to the cliff, and he accepted her story at face value. It made her feel big and powerful how he ate up her story so easily. Of course, to her it was more of a story. She had lived it, days before she was old enough to leave the den and her eyes had barely opened to the world. She had known nothing but her den, and then suddenly it was ripped from her. It had been a terrifying experience, and it was easier for her to understand put into her version then it was in her parents. She didn't understand the forces of nature, not huge and powerful they could be. So the water was a real thing to her, as real as a squirrel in the trees.

They reached the end of the Prairie but where slightly off from the cliff. They had to walk beside the swollen wager to get there. She puffed out her chest and danced along the line between land and water, her paws flicking up a light spray of sea from the gently lapping tide as she did so. She wanted to show him she was fearless. Of course, even as she did so her heart hammered in her chest and she remembered her father's fear, how he reacted every time she was near the water. His responses only added to the power of her tale, she had no idea it was the memory of Illume and current that brought that reaction from him. She did know that if he caught her, she would be in trouble.

Just when her own imagination was about to give her goosebumps they reached the start of the cliff and she was able to move away from the waters edge without losing face in front of mortar. She climbed the cliff with ease - this was another place she was banned to go without a parental figure with her, so naturally, she knew this place like back of her paw.
It was a slightly winding process up the cliff top and once again she kept to the edge, admiring the drop into the water before her. She didn't do anything normally, she had to prove every minute of every day that there was nothing she could do,that she was brave and fearless and powerful.

At last they reached the top and she moved to the highest point, her paws upon slightly crumbled earth as she raised her head high into the gently whispering wind and let it flick her fur back behind her. She hoped she posed a figure every bit as powerful as glacier and voltage appeared to her. "This is the cliff" she said, dutifully playing guide. "You can see the tops of some of the hidden caves beneath the water. Voltage said the hide is starting to recede and it will be gone by the end of the season" she explained in answer to his question "I think it's secretly scared more of voltage then anyone else"


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