
First Harvest



3 Years
02-07-2016, 01:44 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Patrolling and trying to talk himself into another spar took up most of Miksa's time these days. With Celestial still relatively new, the white wolf was adamant about keeping the border secure and made it his routine to check around the lake first and round out his patrol along the edge of the plains. When he was not busy doing that, and sometimes even during, his thoughts continued to play back his initial spar that he had had with Surreal, and reflected on all the improvements he could be making to his technique. It hurt less to consider it now - after receiving some heavy encouragement, he did not feel so bad about his shortcomings - and he thought it was actually enabling him to make some progress.

But the thought of another spar was still intimidating, and he was not altogether sure who to ask to test his skill, so he tried to distract himself with the other area of study he had taken an interest in. Walks around the Vericona Plains were helping him identify the first of the plants that the Master Healer Kavdaya had taught him about, and while they grew abundantly here he was curious what else could be found in other areas.

Nearing the end of another walk around the plains' border, Miksa decided there was still enough time in the day for a visit elsewhere. His idle paws brought him southward, and as he went he noted that a fog began to develop. It was pale and thin at this time of day, patchy along the edges of the territory, but the deeper he went into the new land the more consistent it became. Yellow eyes curious and his posture a little guarded, he continued to pad forward amid a foggy but green landscape, and one batch of white blooms immediately caught his eye. Yarrow! He had been taught about that before, and though there seemed to be more of it located in the Vericona Plains it seemed a waste to travel all this way and go back empty handed.

Tan ears perked, trying to recall if there was anything in particular he needed to remember for harvesting the plant, the white wolf strode toward it intently.

OOC: Miksa is herb gathering and has no idea what he's doing - halp.