
Cure for Caring



5 Years
02-07-2016, 02:57 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Callisto walked with her head and tail hanging, feeling drained and emotionally spent. Somewhere on the other side of the territory, in a den that had been thankfully abandoned and just large enough to work, Jakart slept, and her irritating cat companion sat watch. There had been a part of her that had been reluctant to leave the grey wolf even for this small trek - seeing him nearly killed in a flood sort of put things into perspective - but that same voice irked her enough to purposefully ignore it and set off, leaving Belladonna behind in her place. The cat was not as interested in medicine as Calli was herself, but she knew more or less when something was wrong and had been warned strictly to come find her if anything went amiss.

It was the best she could settle for, and the black and grey healer needed a moment away anyway before she was driven mad by her own repressed feelings. Her grey speckled cheeks shifted as she wrinkled her nose, silver-blue eyes narrowing. Oh how she wished for simpler times, when she was nothing more than a reclusive pup learning about plants from the best her pack had to offer her. She had known nothing of pain and suffering then, knew nothing of fear and estrangement. Knew nothing of caring. And that was probably the worst of it.

Her expression relaxed into a weary scowl as she exhaled a heavy breath. That was definitely the worst of it. And it was because of that caring sense that she was out here in the first place, getting frazzled over the misfortune of another to the point that she was in tears upon finding them alive. And if she did not return with more plants ready to aid in his recovery, she was likely to spill some more. With a rolling shrug of her bony shoulders, Callisto set forward into the thick vegetation that made up the central part of the broken down stone structure, eyes and nose alert and scanning for any particular scents or plants that would prove useful to her.