
My bloody valentine



6 Years

02-07-2016, 04:23 AM

Hearing the choked yowl that escaped Varda as she struck the woman's windpipe fueled Esa's rage. She'd show her! Even if she just had her size to use as an advantage, she'd make sure she didn't lose to this woman. She couldn't. She just had to prove a point. If she cared for Miksa more than Varda did, then she'd have to emerge the victor. She felt her jaws close on their intended target, teeth digging in deep and drawing blood. Oh how strange, but so satisfying at the same time. She had never imagined herself enjoying something like this, but here she was getting a thrill. Her forepaw fell short of the other woman's paw, and Esa felt merely the dry earth beneath her claws, which dug into the ground in frustration. When Varda snarled at her, the ebony-coated she-wolf found she had no words left, her voice ruled now by a primal growl. She would just have to let her teeth speak for her now.

As the ivory woman moved to adjust her positioning to make another attack, Esarosa protected herself by ensuring her body was tucked into itself. Her posture remained low with knees and elbows bent, legs shifting to an equal distance so that she felt well-balanced while her tail tucked beneath her body out of harm's reach. Her toes splayed and claws gripped the earth eagerly. Her ears remained flattened against a lowered head, and royal emerald eyes were squinted, protecting them from severe damage. Now more adrenalized than before, her lips peeled back to reveal all of her teeth and the skin around her muzzle crinkled up defensively. Her hackles stood on end, shoulders rolling forward and scruff bunching up to protect her neck. As Varda came at her with the bony part of her shoulder aiming for the side of her neck, Esa curved her body slightly away from her opponent to offer her right shoulder forward. Redistributing her weight to her left side, she would counter with a thrust of her right shoulder blade toward Varda's so that they would collide. She was trying hard to keep her neck and face away from the angry she-wolf. She felt a severe bruise form where Varda's shoulder blade had struck the bone of her own shoulder, and she cringed, hoping the other woman was feeling it just as much as she was.

When Varda reared up to bring her paws and nails down upon Esa's right side, the ebony woman would shift in an attempt to face her opponent almost squarely, distributing her weight to her hind legs. She drew her forepaws up toward her chest as she reared. She felt the sting and impact of the woman's claws digging into her, Varda's right paw landing in the middle of her forechest between both of her (Esa's) forelegs, while the left paw struck the front of Esa's right shoulder blade. Moderate gashes were left by the sharp nails, a mild bruise on her forechest, and a worsened bruise on her right shoulder blade. Her poor shoulder, it was really taking a beating. Esarosa attempted to strike out with her own forepaws in a similar manner. Varda had given her a good shove back, so she found herself unable to lunge forward with as much force as she wanted. Still, she hoped to leave mild bruising and mild gashes with her curved black nails. Her right forepaw aimed for the middle of Varda's chest, while her left forepaw tried to strike Varda's right shoulder blade in a mirror movement of what Varda had just done to her.

Lastly the teeth would flash. As Esa tried to lunge forward for a bite, Varda's teeth landed just slightly further back than intended - the woman's upper jaw struck behind Esa's right ear, while the lower jaw hooked just behind the jaw line leaving moderate punctures. Pushing through the pain, Esa reached for a bite of her own. Her head snaked to her own left (Varda's right), Esarosa's head tilted to her own right, jaws parted and aimed slightly further back from her opponent's head on the right side of Varda's neck, several inches back from Varda's right jawline. Her lower jaw was aiming for several inches above the windpipe, while the upper jaw aimed to clamp on a big scruffy roll of skin on the side of the ivory woman's neck. She hoped to leave moderate punctures and secure a sturdy grip that she didn't want to let go of if she could get a hold.

Varda vs Esarosa || Dominance || 2/2

OOC Confirmed with Millie that her paw strike was aiming for Esa's right side, the right shoulder blade and flank, not left shoulder blade!

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