
what you need



7 Years
Extra large

02-07-2016, 02:53 PM
Lark felt a bit of relief that he was not alone in how he felt. Before the siege had occurred, he'd pictured it all quite clearly - he would be one of the first to fight. He'd win, he'd help Abaven conquer their enemies, and they would celebrate their victory proudly. It had been far more somber than he'd anticipated, and he hadn't felt much like celebrating at all. Not only had the fight been relatively easy - and there had been few injuries at all - but he hadn't helped. Not one tiny bit.

He sighed again as Tinaro spoke, nodding in agreement. "You're right," he agreed about Imperium, wondering why they had been invited at all. Surely his father had good reason, though, even if he didn't recognize it? They hadn't known if Hellstrom would have allies that might rush to help them, or how skilled their fighters might be. "We would've been able to fight if they weren't there. Next time we'll show them." Not that he wanted there to be a next time, persay.. but he knew that he was ready to defend his family, at all costs, and no matter the price. "Maybe we should practice again," he commented idly, shooting a glance up at Tinaro between bites. "Maybe with Calypsei too. Wouldn't hurt to do some group fights so we have a better idea what to do next time." It was a rarity for Lark to admit he didn't' necessarily know how to do something, but he felt a sort of fraternal bond with Tinaro at that moment, and he knew his friend would understand.