
& i dream about you all the time


04-22-2013, 07:16 PM

At the appearance of the gorgeous white female, Lovatt found a breath escaping him that he hadn't realized he was holding. A weight had lifted from his chest with her appearance, and Lovatt found himself breathing easily now. Her greeting was soft, and the male found his tail wagging all the same as he rose to his paws to greet the female, "Morgan," He breathed a greeting, padding toward to press his muzzle lightly against her fur. It was a soft, brief touch before the brown male retreated slightly, turning to focus his gaze on the deer to calm the wild pace of his heart. Deep breaths slowed it's rapid beats, but several moments passed before the male found himself able to turn back to face the female once more.

Ears pricked in her direction, Lovatt grinned slightly, "Brought me dinner, I see." He was joking, a rare playful tone filling his voice as he inhaled the blissful scent of the female that stood before him. Everything about her was beautiful. Too beautiful for him to imagine a life without her. He was not going to let her go ever again. Not after losing her once.

The creature shook his head slightly, settling back on his haunches once more, "I . . . have something that I need to tell you, Morgan." The male spoke slowly, each word heavy in his mouth. He was nervous about mentioning the pack that he had discovered, a place where perhaps they might be able to make their homes. But first, he wished to know what had drawn her into the expanses of this continent, "But first. How have you been, Morgan?" His voice was soft, and he fought to keep the emotion from filling it. She made him feel so strange, his heart fluttering in her chest, and he wasn't sure how to explain that. So he would wait, wait as long as possible to explain this strange feeling to her. It surely wasn't one that the female with no memories of him would reciprocate, but it was something that she deserved to know.

He would keep no secrets from the last fragments of his family. And if that meant that they did not wish him to stay any longer, if his feelings were too weird for Morgan to be willing to deal with, that was a burden that he was willing to accept. Ears flicking slightly, the brown male breathed a slight sigh, shaking his head slightly. It was no use jumping to conclusions before he had spoken. "Congratulations on your kill, by the way." The male flicked his ears slightly, trying to keep himself from thinking too much about the serious conversation that would soon be held, if Lovatt had his way.
