
Dust in a hailstorm



2 Years
Extra large

02-07-2016, 08:39 PM (This post was last modified: 02-08-2016, 02:46 PM by Glacier.)

The soft thump of his tail greeted her and she beamed at him, her own tail giving a little twirl behind her in her excitement. She had been cooking up this plan for maybe an entire hour and she knew it was going to be wonderful and fun! His words where pretty matter of fact and she laughed gently. "Look at that, your learning already" she teased him. When he asked where they where going she would stall. "Somewhere new of course. You do know how to swim right? If you don't well need to train you so where ready when the beach is finally free" she Pointed out logically.

She moved out of the den and started to stroll through the pack lands. Honestly, she knew the Prairie shockingly well in both day and night after the level of sneaking she had committed to so far.
As they trekked she began to entertain him with a story. "When my father was young he and voltage where on their own in the wild, facing all the scary things of the world alone. One day voltage returns to their call and there was no glacier in sight. He got scared and he called out for his brother and glacier didn't come. He wondered through the camp, calling out. As be did so he got a funny feeling in the back of his neck and he just knew someone was watching him. He turned around. .. and no one was there. He moved again but this time he didn't call out, he knew something was very wrong. The whole forest seemed different, darker. He moved out of the camp, searching for glacier but there wasn't even a scent. He moved further... and further.... and further.
And then something rose above the ground in front of him! It was huge, and murky, and oozing with darkness! 'Roar!' The thing cried, and he thought his heart might burst in fright. He turned and he ran, and the creature ran with him. It was calling out, yelling something, his name? He was gaining ground on the monster but he hesitated, and turned around... and realized that all along it had been glacier covered in mud!"
she was becoming quite the expert I'm pitching her voice in all the right places. Lowering it for suspense, and she cried out loud and sharp when she said 'roar' hoping to frighten mortar.

They where almost at the border when she paused, thinking she better give him something otherwise he might not want to cross out of dono. "My friends pack is right next door to ours, we share a scent mark line that's how close it. He's a really good friend tho, i was playing with the mud and pretended to do what my dad did and i scared him real good. Then he taught me to swim and he looks out for me. We won't get into any trouble crossing over" she promised him. Oh yes, she was fantastic at lies.


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