
Restless Stroll



04-22-2013, 07:25 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

A moment passed after he sighed, obviously trying to come to grips with the newest revelation and let her meager attempt at reassurance to do its job. What she had said looked to have some effect on him, calming him for the most part though she was still able to see the worried wrinkle to his brow, the sadness and fear that lurked around the darker planes of his face. He thanked her, words that she had not anticipated, and though he did not look her way, still swallowed in the news he had seen, she smiled gently. Without a word, she lowered herself still further from her crouch and settled upon her stomach in the snow, determined to help and make things better no matter how long it kept them there. The pack was close, at least, and should danger come she knew where to head. But despite what they had seen, she did not feel any danger to come from Awaken.

He spoke up again, more words that the creamy white wolf did not expect, and she was not glad of them. The question that he posed to her seemed rather loaded, made her think of things she would have rather not considered. But could she condemn this wolf for something of his past, something he could not tell between memory and fantasy? "No," she answered at length, her dark brown eyes settling somewhere upon the snow beside her as she answered as honestly as she could. "You have only been nice to me. You are nice now. You - this you - didn't do those things. Someone else did." An old part of him, long forgotten perhaps, but that side of him died the moment he could no longer remember it, when it no longer reigned over his conscience if it had ever done so to begin with. The killer, or would-be killer, was gone. He was only nice now.

[Image: nzhxu8.jpg][Image: nzhxu8.jpg][Image: spx4z8.jpg]