
carve your name [challenge]



2 Years
Extra large
02-07-2016, 11:43 PM

The opponents exchanged similar injuries, blood would begin to flow freely and adrenaline would remain high as the men danced through their battle. Leo was difficult to move, he'd dug himself in and wasn't ready to let up just yet. As Bacchus moved forward so would his opponent shift. Though he'd keep his grip as he pushed forward Leo was quick to remove his jaw from the heavy limb. He didn't let go of Leo's scruff fast enough to think about countering his move, the feeling of teeth upon his flesh brought pain. Leo's fangs would meet the right lower side of his neck. He'd gain mostly loose skin but he'd also get muscle. His opponent would miss his vitals, but Bacchus felt the pain. He'd be severely lacerated along the lower right side of his neck. With his chest in leo's shoulder the russet male was unable to gain the hold he wanted.

Bacchus was quick to cease his shoving so as not to worsen the bite he'd receive. As his jaws let loose Leo's scruff he wasn't about to keep them empty. With Leo so close Bacchus couldn't help but find himself going for Leo's eye a second time. As Bacchus aimed to bite at Leo's right eye, with his top jaws seeking to puncture the soft tissue and his lower jaw wanting to wrap around his opponent's middle right cheek bone. During this attempted bite the silver Armada would aim to shove 40% of his weight onto Leo's Right shoulder while Bacchus's Right leg sought to trail down Leo's left limb and trip him at the front left ankle. Bacchus would aim to hook his paw around his opponent's lower forearm and upper ankle, seeking to pull the limb toward himself. This combined with his shove to the upper right shoulder of his opponent would seek to force Leo's left shoulder to the ground.

With 40% of his weight in his rear paws and the last 20% in use to pull out Leo's limbs Bacchus would also use his chest to lean into Leo for support, and hopefully helping to push him down. With his ears back, eyes narrowed, shoulders rolled forward, and neck scrunched he'd keep his defenses as solid as possible. His toes were spread and his claws dug into the ground. Hackles were raised and his knees were bent as he pushed onward. His tail was tucked against his legs and belly as he aimed to help protect his undersides. By now his breathing was becoming more ragged but he'd do his best to keep it even as he focused on the last few moments of battle.
Bacchus v Leo for Kingship [Fiori]
round 3/3


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