
Round Em Up [Optional Fight Training]

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
02-08-2016, 12:02 AM

The realization that one of his biggest weaknesses would be his confidence was not surprising to the young wolf. He knew he wasn't as brave as Rhys or his dad, or even his mother. Any one of them would have been eager to speak up at this training, but as more and more voices were added the less he felt like he wanted to give up his input as well. "I expect all of you younger ones to answer." He'd swallow hard as the words were said, taking in a nervous breath as Esti finished her speech. He did not want to be the first to speak, at this point he wasn't sure he wanted to speak at all. He was sure he was going to get tongue tied. Thankfully Birna was quick to reiterate, "No one is above defeat or any below victory." He really could do this, but there would be a lot of hard work and determination to go into it.

The first step was confidence wasn't it? Time to put that hard work into practice and speak what had been asked of him. He'd take a deep breath, letting go of his worry and just let the words fall from his lips. "I need to be more confident." He'd say, obviously not with an incredible amount of said confidence, but he felt good that he hadn't misspoke yet. "And, um.. just lots of practice." He'd end on a quick note, feeling his bravery leave him as he noticed again the many many pairs of eyes around the group. He found himself wanting to look for reassurance, but there was no one to offer him that soft comforting smile. He'd find himself sinking back down, curious about what might come of the other's answers and who would even want to practice spar with him.