


02-08-2016, 12:36 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Aurora wiggled as she rolled about upon her back, paws waving as they were held up over her small frame into the air. Her smile was wide and her tongue lolled comically, her delight and excitement evident. It was just so thrilling! She had honestly not expected to get as far as she did, and now that she had succeeded in getting across the border the rebellious blue pup was hellbent on celebrating for as long as she could. Which meant, for the time being, getting a literal feel for this new place that she had wandered into.

As she thrashed around in the grasses, however, she heard a faint but familiar sound. Sounds tended to never come in very clear, always muffled and distant, but she knew well enough by now to know that the noise meant someone was close by. Instantly her jaw snapped shut, barely missing her tongue as it was drawn back into her mouth, and scrambling she rolled herself to her stomach, lifting her head high to spot whoever might have been there. Was it Mommy? Daddy? Uncle Voltage? Oh, maybe it was Ray!

It did not take her very long to spot the individual, and she was admittedly surprised to realize that she did not recognize this one. Her puzzlement showed itself within her expression, lips drawn together into a serious line while her golden eyes stared direct and wide at him. From the way he looked at her, she supposed he had wanted her attention. Everyone only ever looked at her like that when they wanted her to do something. Words were lost to her because of her partial deafness, but there was nothing to hinder her from picking up on the subtle cues others made when they were trying to tell her something. Like that look.

Her curiosity was great, but her habit of running from potential trouble was greater. And in this instance, her new acquaintance was not so much the trouble but possibly the harbinger of it. Did he know Mommy and Daddy? Would he try to make her go back over the border? Still on her stomach, the blue pup lifted her rump slightly off the ground and, taking long, totally inconspicuous steps backward, began to creep in reverse. No, she did not want to go back yet! And if she could just creep a little bit backward then she could probably stand a change at getting away from this wolf before he made her go back to Mommy and Daddy the way all the others did!