
Mortar Siblings



4 Years
Extra large
02-08-2016, 01:19 AM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2016, 05:07 PM by Mortar.)
-Waves- hey guys! I have my character Mortar here who needs some siblings adopted out and I'd love to see them played on site <3 I'll try to keep things simple and sweet.

--Most key points are listed on Mortar's history, like what happened to their parents.
--They must have Armistice as their last name.
--They must take a Normal first name (even if they don't go by this) example being Isaac, Alex, Elizabeth, ect.
--Most, if not all, of the Armistice go by a nickname. Examples being Vengeance, Mortar, Shrapnel, Splinter, ect. All nicknames are related to war-ish terms.
--A good majority of the family have darker coats. The siblings for adopt here both had dark coated parents, though Felicity (Vengeance's mate) had a brown coat so if you're really pining for a different color I might accept one brown/lighter colored wolf. Darker coats can range from different shades of black/gray with hints of blue/purple tint to the coat (see Mortar, Valentine, Angelus for examples).
--Any eye color is allowed (which is why I didn't change the eye color of the adopts) so you may choose your own. The most common eye colors though were red, blue, and gold. Mortar got the orange from their mother so that is also acceptable, though feel free to choose another if this doesn't suit you. Heterochromia was also common so feel free to choose that as well.
--Shrapnel is a descendant of a long line of dire wolves. Now I know 50 dollars is a lot to donate to the site and not everyone has money for that so the height range for nearly all the family is anywhere from 38-45 inches. If you cannot afford this I will make an exception (though I personally would like to see more taller wolves than shorter ones.)
--Mortar is roughly 6 months old so a pup pass would have to be purchased to be able to play the pup. I don't mind if you have to wait to save up for the pup so a time period will be given for you to earn the gems. Mortar is a year old now so no rogue pup pass is needed.
--Feel free to ask me about Mortar's other family members. There will be Aunts, Uncles, and cousins available to play. (I'd suggest the cousins, as Shrapnel previously had a litter before the second one so it can be presumed those kids had children that would be roughly anywhere between 1-4 years old)
--I'd prefer that the siblings meet up with Mortar in Dono, though this isn't exactly required, however I do at least demand them to reunited at some point! Even if they won't live together. Sea said they are welcome in Dono so long as they are good natured! Since Dono has been disbanded Mortar is on his own once again though I think he's going to Abaven. I'd like for the siblings to still meet up with him, though what you do with them is up to you.
--If you do not like any of the designs I've provided feel free to make your own so long as you follow the basic guidelines!
--I do reserve the right to take them back if they fall inactive or if you haven't posted with the character in over a month. If you have an absence up or message me about it beforehand I'll give some leeway.
--With that being said there will be roughly 3-5 siblings up for adoption depending on how much interest there is! Remember, if you can't afford a sibling you can always play another family member except for the parents c:

Please right click on the following images and open in a new tab if you'd like to see these englarged. Also if you don't like the blue tint to some of these feel free to say so and you can change it. Also once adopted, if you want, I can make a new ref sheet with a better lineart. These were just simple bases that I used.

Adopt 1

Adopt 2

Adopt 3

Adopt 4

Adopt 5

Adopt 6

If you're having issues with names these might help: Renegade, Havoc, Blitzkrieg, Arsenal, Shrapnel, Vengeance, Rampart, Torpedo, Turret, Crusade, Ricochet, Riot, Gunner, ect. I looked up war synonyms to help me find names.

Name: Character's Name
Gender: You may pick.
Age: 1 Year
Pack/Parents: Which pack will you be sending them to/who will be adopting them?
Alignment: Any alignment is fine, though please note these are pups so while you can make them evil in the long run, I suggest you find someone on site who could teach them that.
Design: Either re-post the design, use your own, or tell me which number you are using.
Appearance: Must meet site minimum.
Personality: Must meet site minimum.
History: What happened to the sibling after Mortar and the rest of them were separated. Feel free to collaborate with someone else if you wish for some of them to have stayed together.
Plans: What do you intend to do with this character if you're able to adopt them?

[b]Age:[/b] 1 year
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[Image: OLU8WZY.png]