
The cavalry has arrived



9 Years
Athena I
02-08-2016, 11:05 AM

Leo would listen intently as Riv began to introduce the wolves around him and explain how they came to join the group he brought with him. He smiled as Riv introduced him to the two newly met wolves and he would dip his head to each of them in turn. They'd then go on to introduce themselves as well. He could tell there was some sort of tension between Zephyra and Xephyris. He hoped that wouldn't come to be a problem in the future. He'd smile to them both, addressing the male first. "Well, Xephyris, it's good to meet someone that knew my sister well. I'm sure any wolf she trusted is worth my trust as well." He'd look to Zephyra then, adding, "Your mother was very kind when I came to speak with her before. I'm surprised to see you here, but I'm glad to welcome you as well." He'd smile a little wider and look to his niece and nephews then. "And of course I'm more than happy to have you three here."

"Well, I'm sure Riv has told all of you a bit about Fiori, but I feel like it's best to give you the same speech I give all of my new members. I expect a lot out of my pack, but it's only because I give a lot of myself to it as well. Being active and helpful will be rewarded and inactivity will be punished. As long as you're doing your best and giving something back to the pack that's all I can ask. I expect everyone to come to all of our pack meetings and as many of the training sessions as you can. I want everyone to be prepared for the worst while still enjoying the best." He'd smile widely then, his tail wagging gently. "I guess that's it! You four have just turned a year old, is that right? You will be considered Students until you turn two. Until then you're free to study whatever you'd like and get a feel for what position you might want later. And Xephyris-" he'd focus on the male for a moment- "I'm going to take a guess that you're a fighter?" He'd let the male confirm or deny it before he added, "Athena is our lead warrior, or the Knight. You'll probably want to speak with her at some point."

"Talk" "You" Think