
Mind Your Manners

Katja the First


8 Years
02-08-2016, 11:23 AM
The strange star-wolf took her simple greeting and ran with it, a flood of words part introduction, part small talk, and part business. She blinked and let it wash over her as she decided that, unless Loki or the vanir were being particularly clever, this was much more likely to be some mortal with an unnaturally colored coat. He could not possibly be a god, though surely he was god-touched to have such unusual features. "I am Katja Finnvi, the Dróttin of Yfir. What you would call, alpha. I resided in the west with my pack once, some time ago, but I was meant for the north, and so here I will live and here will I die." A bit morbid perhaps, but death was never very far from her mind. It was, after all, of utmost importance to her to die a glorious death and so earn a place in Valhalla beside her sister. "As it happens, my family has a tradition of seasonal festivals. Years ago I sought to make one open to the whole of Alacratia as a gesture of goodwill, but there was... unpleasantries." Her expression twisted for a moment in disgust and anger at the vague memory of the wolf who had sought to vilify her sister's sacrifice. A member of her own pack, which made his attempt to dishonor Auora all the worse. She sought to smooth her expression, pulling her attention back to the star-wolf Mithras Aeris. "Suffice to say the wolves of this continent are not capable of accepting any culture but their own. We no longer hold open festivals of our own. Our festivals do not correspond to the solstices, so you may see Yfir wolves at your... forums." She was unfamiliar with the concept of a forum, though she expected it had a similar feel to the lessons he claimed would be open to anyone. "What would these forums consist of?" she questioned with a hint of caution.