
The Ocean and The Moon



04-22-2013, 08:18 PM

It was eerie out. All could be soon was the light of her eyes and the gray of her pelt as the moonlight struck itself upon her pelt. It had long lost its luster and it was a bit disheveled because of the sand. She'd traveled as far down south as she dared. Ever since Saix had returned she'd been avoiding Glaciem like the plague. God how she was torn up inside. A part of her still truly loved him, but the majority of her screamed and begged for her to end her pain. It hurt to have him back in Glaciem. It only brought back such painful memories and sorrow. She couldn't get past him. She couldn't find anything to distract her thoughts. She was stuck wallowing in her self misery.

Paws and lower half of her were submerged in water as she stared out across the ocean. A part of her willed the ocean to take her as the waves lapped softly at her soaked feet. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn't hear the sound of approaching footsteps. The only thoughts in her head were dark ones and her eyes held a vacant expression. She could end it. She really could. Just let herself slip farther and farther into the ocean and slowly drown herself. It would be terrifying, sure, but she was positive an easy calm would claim her in death. She would be reunited with her babies. Oh how she missed them. Death would be worth it, wouldn't it? The girl took another step, deeper into the water. She contemplated it. She wanted it. There wasn't much left holding her back. They'd miss her, sure, but they would get past it. See her as just another lost. They'd slowly get over it.
