
Puppy Love


04-22-2013, 08:19 PM

A rolling laugh would bellow from his chest as she chastised him playfully telling him to shut up. A younger, less mature Maverick might have thought she was being serious, but this Maverick was sure she was not. His certainty was reinforced by her gentle nuzzle on his cheek. Curiosity painted his features, currently at war with seduction as he attempted to seem as innocent as possible - though his comment did not make that a simple task. Maverick was curious - as any boy, or any wolf would be - about the ways of love. One could say that he was naive to such knowledge, but was not unwilling to learn - particularly with the breathtaking beauty above him. As her teeth collided with his ear, he could not hold back a shiver as it overtook his frame. His heart beat wildly within his chest, threatening to erupt from the cavern in a frenzy of passion as she whispered, sweet and low. Lucky is my middle name, he huffed back, taking time to allow his hot breath to flow past her ear.

Unfortunately, good things could not last forever, and the damsel shifted from above him to a resting place beside him. The warmth of the sun returned to his frame as he rolled from his back to his side, facing her and allowing his head to rest sideways on the earth. Her voice would fill the air again and his ears pricked toward the sound, wishing it would never ever stop. And are you planning on seeing me more? The question was mostly innocent, but his eyes were contemplative and serious. He certainly intended on seeing her, but would never be sure if she was planning the same.

Mav speaks,

pip speaks,