
adjustments to be made



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-08-2016, 05:08 PM

"Speech" thoughts actions

It was hard to believe her brother was leading a pack now. He had children, he was a ruler of his own domain, and she was part of it. Border patrols were something she'd begun to make a habit of, since her desire to wander made her itch to be moving more often than she rested. Her hulking form paced the borders with the sullen expression of a psychopath painted over her features. If someone had been thinking of invading, her expression might very well have stopped them cold. Her massive paws made little to no sound as she walked, feminine form sashaying across the lands she would now be calling home. The celestial titan sniffed at the markers, and decided to refresh them when she felt they were getting old.

The emerald valley was such an open space, the sky seemed to go on forever and swallow the land at its horizons. Then, the willows were so close knit and claustrophobic. She liked them both equally, because they were polar opposites and she could visit either depending on her mood that day. Kohl rimmed eyes surveyed the landscape all around, searching for anything out of the ordinary. Her brother had gone out to meet all of the leaders of various packs, without taking her along. It was disappointing, she wanted to attend these meetings as well, to draw her own conclusions. After all, he had given her the title of advisor. Which was probably a good idea, her brother was the most reckless wolf she'd ever encountered.

With a sigh, she ended her patrol route and sprawled herself out in the fresh grass spring had brought. The sun wasn't quite at its highest point in the sky, and she wanted to enjoy the warmth. Her winter pelt was falling out, leaving her with a silky and easy to maintain coat for summer. Not that she wasn't still a little shaggy when the heat took over the lands. Her family was from a rather cool locale, and it was in her genes. Resting her cheek against the ground, she let her lids flutter shut. It was a pleasant day, with a light breeze and the smell of renewal in the air. Maybe later on she would pay a visit to the little ones, or go for a hunt. The possibilities were endless, i she thought about it.