
Kiss From A Rose



5 Years
02-08-2016, 09:41 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2016, 08:26 PM by Jakart.)

Try as he might and no matter now much he found himself sleeping on order from Callisto, Jakart couldn't find himself back with Tahlia to tell his mother that he was ok. For the first few days since arriving in the garden Jakart was uncertain if he was with illness due to the floodwaters or if by some miracle he had been spared by a hearty immune system. For a day he had been fine, settling back into the den with a just the ache of his wounds to tend to, but overnight he had come down with a fever. Chills made his body shiver uncontrollably even as he burned with sickness, speaking in incoherent mumbles as he tossed and turned to get comfortable. He would like to think that Callisto treated him during the weeks length of time where he huddled near death. Jakart barely remembered any of it. Not the soaked moss he drank from or the meat he could barely hold down as his wounds burned and throbbed alongside his pounding head.

That ended in the early hours of this morning. Already he could see the flesh on his shoulder was darkening as it knit back together with but a glance from a once swollen eye. Jakart gave a wide yawn and tucked his paws underneath his chin with a sidelong glance given at the dens entrance. Callisto and Belladonna were close by, although he was told by the healer a few moments ago to rest Jakart's mind wandered to his friend's well being. The she wolf by all accounts appeared to be fine even after dealing with a sickly and wounded friend. Perhaps she had been relieved to finally test her craft? Was that how she found her place in the world? Maybe he would ask later. The voices outside the den were at first calm and quiet, not that Jakart was paying attention to any of it, 'doctors orders' were trying to be followed. Definitely didn't want to get sick again, drink more bad water or ingest mud and debris. A prelude to an argument was heard, the males ears instantly pinning back as Belladonna poked Callisto just the right way and sent the she wolf off.

To be honest he didn't think that this yelling match would be any different from previous overheard spats. But as Callisto went on and on the Jakart pinned his ears and let out a whine with each anxious breath. She was talking about him? Talking about how the female allowed him to stay around and be with her company without being told off. Jakart listened wholly to the tirade happening outside and struggled to his paws at the sound of a snarl. Oh no. Bella must've really hit a mark with this one. The words of Callisto's rant played over and over in his head as he quickly lumbered out of the den.

"Callisto," Damn, he felt out of breath from the den's incline and the rest of the words tried to come out past his muzzle. He was frantic and desperate to calm the situation and defuse the tension between the two females. More if she was alright or if Bella needed a hand with, but no. A part of Jakart needed to know just why she felt the need to tolerate him even after the beneficial side of their relationship was over and done. Just why did she allow him to be so close when she showed everyone else a standoffish persona? "is... was all that true about why you let me stay?" Did she really mean all that?

"Talk" "You" Think "Companion"