
Kiss From A Rose



5 Years
02-09-2016, 01:28 AM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2016, 08:24 PM by Jakart.)

Jakart didn't mean to startle the she wolf as much as he just wanted to get her attention and turn around. Callisto did turn to meet his gaze, Jakart visibly flinching with a tense breath as he saw what was in her gaze. There was so much anger there in his friend as she paced from side to side as if sizing him up for a fight. Never before in his life had there ever been such a tense moment of him staring at someone that might as well have been a stranger. Callisto looked tormented as she spoke, Jakart letting out a shallow whine at her sharp words. Was there ever a chance that he would be happy to see her like this, a friend so distraught and aggravated to the point where he didn't know if he should just walk back into the den and pretend he had never heard anything? Was he happy like this? To see a friend that had been through so much and received so little brought to this point was as mentally numbing as the herbs he had been taking for pain.

The answer to her question was plan as day for the grey wolf. "No," He began with a tad bit of force behind his words. "I cannot be happy because you are not happy Callisto." A weak assertive stride was hit as he spoke to the fuming female. "And it's... why I don't leave." The male took a shaky step forward with an almost desperate anxiety in his movements. She was ready to bolt. Close him out. Leave him. "I don't care that our arrangement ended or that you want to stay down here for all these herbs." Another set of steps, shoulder heavily protesting to the movement. "And I don't want to yell at you." Another step taken and he would've run right into her. A paw was lifted around her shoulder perhaps a little to harshly due to fatigue but the rest of Jakart's strength was used to pull her close in a worried embrace. He knew she didn't like this. The closeness and the touching or the fact that it was him and she hadn't seen a different face in months. "I'm sorry Calli." Was he weak for not yelling at her? Was it something that had to happen for her to feel anything? With a grunt Jakart brought his other foreleg around his friend in a close embrace. It wasn't that he needed Callisto to be happy, but from what he heard she needed Jakart to be.

"Talk" "You" Think "Companion"