
[P] When The Bunnies Go Dancing



12 Years
Extra large
02-09-2016, 08:38 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He needed to talk to his fellow mentor. Wow. He was officially a mentor to his littlest sister. It was for hunting, but hey, he was a good hunter. His mother had told him that he would be acting as both the Future and as a hunting partner for Varda, since they had so few hunters, and he was good at it. So he needed to talk to the Destruction woman. He was more than ready to begin Baine's more advanced hunting training. He'd taught her how to pounce the mice that sometimes had braved the cave full of wolves, and he was pretty sure his mom had covered rabbits and birds. Especially birds, with living in the Estuary during Hellstrom's brief squatting here in the Plains.

It was time to learn how to hunt in a group, he decided. So the vibrant red Future padded up the overgrown path to his missing Cousin Alsander's old den, one that overlooked the plains and the prey that grazed them. He tipped his head back, sure his red coat would be a beacon on the ledge, and send a howl with Varda's name on it rolling over the plains. As his head lowered and his jaws shut, he scanned the land below for signs of her white figure. He'd need to find Miksa, too, start sparring with him. He'd noticed the male's scent laid thickly with the rest of the pack. He liked that the male seemed invested in keeping the borders guarded, and he really did want to get to know him better. But today it was time to talk to his fellow mentor.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]