
[PO] B Is For Borage



9 Years
02-10-2016, 01:09 AM
Kavdaya Of The Nomads

One by one, they arrived, including several of the others, from Varda, to Castiel, to Surreal, herself. Kavdaya greeted them all with a warm smile, and grinned at her cousin's suggestion of moving inside. She'd already intended to do so, but didn't mind her Archangel taking the lead. She followed after Surreal, giving her tail a wave for the rest to follow. "I think that's a perfect idea."

She seated herself in the main chamber and waited for the rest to take their places and settle in before beginning. "Hello, everyone. I'm so glad you all made it, and thank you, Varda, Castiel, and Surreal for joining in. I am Kavdaya. I'd like to get to know you all, so I'll start with a little about myself as an introduction." She grinned brightly at each face before beginning with, "First, you might wonder about the mark on my brow. It signifies that I am a fully trained healer from the traveling pack in Calarada known as the Nomads. The Nomads give their lives to learning how to heal and cure any injury or illness, and they are formidable defensive fighters. Perhaps you may have met some wolves with marks like mine, or two vertical lines between their brow points. The two marks mean half trained, but they left to continue their training abroad."

She completed her introduction with a smile, then added "It is an honor to be the Master Healer, and I hope that one of you may join me at that rank at some point." She straightened her spine, amethyst flecked sapphire gaze sweeping the faces arrayed before her before she started the meeting in earnest.

"I wanted to know where your skill levels are in healing. Zuriel, I already know where you are at, but how about you, Ganja, was it?" She tipped her head toward the tiniest among them, the green and ebony lass with the ruby eyes. "And I also wondered if you had any ideas for better ways to transport the ill or wounded, medicate patients, etcetera. I have a few, but I'd like to hear what all of you have to say, first." She finished and fell silent, celestial eyes flicking from face to face, keen with interest.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: C87vX2z.png]