
Problems - Open


04-22-2013, 10:40 PM

Her father?s body had once seemed strained, the aging muscles that flexed beneath his greying pelt twitching and aching with palpable reluctance. His mind held on so tightly, he seemed so desperate to block out the reality within the words that hazily left her lips; was he scared of losing his daughter, or was he afraid of what the world would bring to her? It was painfully clear that Cairo was slowly on his way out, but he would forever be the greatest longest-reigning king of Alacritis. Perhaps he did things a little differently to some, perhaps Eos wouldn?t lead in the way her father had; but there was no denying the red beasts success, magnificence. When Syrinx stepped up to fill in the outsized paw-prints of his father, perhaps Eos would find her way back to Valhalla, just to watch her brother rise beneath the golden fingers of the world; one day no longer an alpha, but a king.

She pondered his final words quietly, somewhat surprised to feel the tension relive itself from beneath his skin, his acceptance pleasantly humidifying her chest. ?Your blood draining from these lands would be all the more reason for me to return, Cairo,? she hadn?t really thought it through before she spoke, and as her mind bustled with activity she began to silently ponder her own words. If her family was forced from the region, would she care? Would she return in a blind attempt to regain her father?s empire, or would she watch as it deteriorated beneath stranger?s feet?

Silver-emerald eyes fluttered closed for a brief moment, a reluctant tongue carefully finding its way to her fathers ear; a perfectly hesitant goodbye as her body readied itself for her swift departure. She glanced upwards, eyes resting upon her snowed sisters; as per usual, tied together by some undetectable thread, their bodies as in sync as their intelligence. She had never grown close to her sisters, it seemed from day one Eos had been determined to rise above them; she had been born the smallest and weakest, but she was desperate for her life to not end in those standings. Neo and Preston? She had always been unwilling to call them true siblings, and thus the young lady didn?t spare them more than a second thought. Syrinx on the other hand always lurked somewhere in the backdrops of her mind, pacing with an ideal mysteriousness, promising herself that she would return for her russet-stained brother in the future.

She spared the duo-toned duet a few moments of eye contact, but felt no words were needed. It was likely the youth would be seeing them again, and in that time it was unlikely she would miss their combined presence. Erani. The pallid wiser stood with that same fragility she always seemed to possess, Eos had felt as if the appearance of her body had always betrayed the strength of her mind; though she failed to love the healer as she used to. Perhaps she had bequested her survival as a pup, but she had been unable to grant the same to their mother. Eos knew deep down that Erani was not to blame, but the blindness that lingered her heart prevented any further acknowledgement. Something was different though, a change of scent seemed to surround the pallid lady; nostrils quivering with interest as she held her gaze. Pups? Lip twitched with a shallow dissatisfaction, a carelessness evident as the youth swiftly turned her body; limbs beginning to carry her away from the four wolves.

She paused a few strides later, glancing back at her father. She hadn?t returned his words of love earlier, and she wouldn?t; but for a painfully brief moment she allowed her gratitude and admiration to flash the emeralds of her eyes, ?I won?t strive to make you proud, but I hope that you will someday come to appreciate my ability to see beyond Valhalla. Chrysanthe and Epiphron may carry your name and blood through the generations of this manor, but I promise you I will take it far beyond the reaches of your kingdom. May your veins birth a legion a warriors, kings and queens- not only within the lands and alliances you have betrothed, but throughout Alacritis and some day even its neighbours.? A final moment of silence would declare her conclusion, and the yearling would turn for the last time; muscles coiling as she moved off at a resolute trot.

ooc: I think only half of this actually made any sense, but hey. P: <3