
The Vastness



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
02-10-2016, 12:00 PM
A familiar voice drew Tornach's attention from his course, and he halted his progress. Lifting his head to see Enigma he hesitated, glancing back up the path towards his falcon friend and their makeshift home before setting the partridges down. Aiden wouldn't mind a delay - chances are she'd probably fallen back asleep as soon as he'd left. Healing took a lot of energy, after all, and the falcon had been needing a lot of sleep since he'd found her. "Dia dhuit, Enigma," he greeted, rubbing his muzzle on his foreleg to rid it of a clinging feather. He hadn't met the other wolf outside of a highly charged emotional situation before, and it left him a little at a loss as to where that left them. It was hard to look at Enigma, and not remember watching the other male's father tearing into Arian's flesh, remember the scent of his cousin's blood as it seeped into the ground and her body went cold. At every turn, it seemed, his family and Enigma's had been at odds - but that wasn't Enigma's fault, and Tornach felt no animosity towards him. He just wasn't certain how to act, and instead fell back on his deeply ingrained politeness. "I am well. I have been working to further my knowledge of healing." He hesitated, uncertain if the reminder of Tornach's particular skillset would raise unpleasant memories, and decided to change the subject just in case. "Are you hungry? I have had good luck in the hunt today," he offered delicately. Life as a loner could be difficult, and more often than not a loner went hungry. He imagined it would be more difficult for Enigma, trying to help provide for a family with both his mother and his father half blinded. He turned Enigma's question back upon himself. "And how have you been?"

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

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