
carve your name [challenge]



9 Years
Athena I
02-10-2016, 09:54 PM

Leo felt a rush of satisfaction as his teeth met skin and his bite took hold of the lower, right side of Bacchus’ neck. He didn’t quite get the hold across his opponent’s throat like he wanted, but he still felt his teeth sink deep into the skin and flesh all the same. He’d feel Bacchus pull back from the push he was doing before and soon after his teeth would leave Leo’s scruff, but Leo knew better than to think Bacchus would just leave him be. With his head turned to the side, it was easy to see Bacchus’ neck raising and head bending till suddenly he had an eye full of his nephew’s teeth. He felt a quick moment of panic and he’d rush to let go of the hold he had just gained to get himself out of the line of fire as soon as he could. It would be impossible to miss the attack entirely, but as he let go of Bacchus’ neck he’d tuck his head down against his throat again, leaving the skin that he had bunched around his neck as the only option for Bacchus’ teeth to gain a hold on. He’d feel the fangs sink into the skin, gaining a slightly deeper hold than the previous bite Bacchus left on his scruff. His nephew’s teeth left deep lacerations in the skin and the top layer of muscle near the base of his skull, where the loose skin a mother might pick up a pup from would be. It hurt like hell, but Leo would rather have another bite on his back and scruff than risk losing an eye.

He of course would never fail to keep his defenses up, no matter how shaken up he got. His paws were planted firmly on the ground with his toes spread and claws dug in. His chin was already tucked down over his throat from his dodge his shoulders were still rolled forward. His hackles were raised and the skin was bunched around his neck. His ears were still pinned down against his skull, his eyes were narrowed, and lips pulled back in a snarl. He kept his tail even with his spine as well as his neck as best he could. His knees were bent slightly to give him a little more freedom of movement while he kept his muscles tensed and ready to move. He met Bacchus’ shove with equal force, but his opponent’s larger size did force Leo to take a half a step back. That combined with Bacchus’ paw pulling at his left leg Leo’s stance was disrupted for a moment. He lifted his left paw quickly to pull it out of the way of Bacchus’ paw and was quick to get it back onto the ground to reset his stance.

All of this delayed his next attack, but at the same time gave him a few more precious seconds to figure out what he was going to do. His movements were pretty limited with Bacchus’ teeth firmly planted on the back of his neck and with his right shoulder pressed into Bacchus’ chest. Leo settled on lifting his chin from his throat enough to get his jaws in line with his opponent’s shoulder while keeping his neck as still as possible. He aimed to bite down on the front portion of Bacchus’ shoulder, but he wouldn’t aim to bite and hold like before. He wanted to bite and tear, wanting to tear the skin along the front half of his shoulder. He knew it was getting close to the end of their battle so inhibiting his movements wasn’t worth the time and effort. At this point he just wanted to cause enough damage and pain to make Bacchus stop.


Bacchus vs Leo for Kingship of Fiori
Round 3 of 3