
Without You [Blu]


04-23-2013, 01:07 AM
"In a relationship, each person should support the other, they should lift each other up." -Taylor Swift

His heart swelled when she looked at him, erupted when she smiled, and those pieces melted when she spoke. He loved the feel of her, the smell of her, everything about her. He loved how she looked when she spoke about herbs, how she looked when she was thinking. He loved her. Adored her. However he couldn?t shake that nagging concern about what Collision would say about how Blu had crossed the borders without seeking permission. He sighed gently and touched his maw to hers gently.

?Why don?t we call him, darling? I?m sure Collision will understand.? He spoke gently, and punctuated his words with kissing her muzzle gently. He truly believed the king would understand, but couldn?t silence his nagging concern. A smile tugged at his jaws, as he looked at her and pushed himself shakily to his paws. Just looking at her gave him strength, but he had a long way to go until his emaciated form would once again radiate the once happy and powerful form that he had, had before he left.

He took a deep breath and spoke again, this time not about the subject of pack acceptance. A cocky smile lit up his maw, and he gave her a teasing look and asked, ?How do you feel about pups, love?? His voice was gently teasing, and hid the traces of a smile. He could see them now, growing old while watching their children grow old and become powerful warriors. The thought alone made his smile grow even wilder.

"Only the broken-hearted, know the truth about love." -Mason Cooley