
Kiss From A Rose



5 Years
02-11-2016, 09:17 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Jakart's particular kisses should not have surprised her anymore, and yet it still did as she felt his tongue intrude past her teeth. The action, combined with the little hum he made, set off new thoughts in her head, reflections of the last time he had kissed her like this...and where things had led. Pursuing that aspect of their relationship again had not been considered given the apparent state of her... What was he now? She could not say with certainty - their relationship was all sorts of jumbled and backward - but either way she was wary of pushing him past what he was physically capable of. He had nearly died, and she continued to remind herself of this. No matter that he looked better, he was still recovering, and that took time.

Still, the thought circled back around through her mind as she trailed her nose across the side of his cheek, a new want that she had convinced herself she did not need surfacing and stirring within her body. No, her healer's conscience answered adamantly, not now, no. Which was just what Jak answered too. He did not need rest, did not need to be sent back into the den to lay down and sleep longer than he already had. Silver-blue eyes searched his, unsure how much she believed his statement but deciding in the end to take his word on the matter. She would find out soon enough.

"That's good," she answered with a slight nod of her head, listening to the gentle hum that he made against her ear. Were his thoughts beginning to follow the same line as hers? She suspected they might have, and his added response very nearly made her smile. Soft kisses touched the angular, spotted markings beneath her eyes, and seemingly comfortable Jakart crossed his forelegs. "Hmm," she murmured thoughtfully, watching him as she reached out with one grey forepaw and placed it gently against his shoulder, pressing and easing him over onto his back. She did not step over him but stepped in close, standing just beside him as she leaned her head down beside his. "You know," she remarked, stealing a kiss against the corner of his lips, "I know some ways you could move." Her muzzle ducked lower, brushing against his cheek as she sought to graze her teeth against his ear. "If you're interested," she amended in a whisper, refraining from doing more.