
The Rhythm of the World


04-23-2013, 07:55 AM

Ulrike found himself in the battle field looking for new members for Tortuga. His ears turned in all directions listening for anyone who would be a good candidate. Well at this point the pack is i need of females. His nose picked up the scent of three wolves. One from Valhalla, the other Ludicael, the last one was a rouge. Perfect, inced it was,Ulrike had found his possible pack member.

Taking long strides he made his way in the direction of the scent. His tail swayed gently as he approached the scene. His black pools looked at the two who stood there. HE recognized both wolves from packs, Collision, and Marvel, His pack did not have anything against Ludicael, but Valhalla was a different story. He approached the group and gave a slight greeting to the two from other packs. They may be enemies, but it dose not mean he had to be uncivil about things.

His eyes landed upon the dame that stood there listening to the words of others. Hello Ma'am i am Ulrike from the Pack Tortuga. What may i call you by Mis.? He spoke in a sweet charming voice. He wanted her to pick his pack, but that still did not mean no battle. IF it has to come down to that, Ulrike would fight his best to gain this possible new member.

A smile arose upon his face. "If you don't mind i would like to tell you a bit about the pack i am from. He paused a bit before starting to tell her about Tortuga. "Tortuga is a very strong, and close nit pack. We ensure the safety of the pack, and all members that reside with in its boarders. Our dens are located in between two mountains, that gives us even more protection from any dangers that may come our way. Like any pack we have soem shady characters amongst out boarders, but that just gives the pack spunk, and excitement, in my opinion. IF you need to speak to anyone higher ranks they will be more than glad to listing to what you have to say.

Ulrike finished his little speech, he then resumed standing there waiting for the dame to reply to his words. His ears were constantly moving from one wolf to another, keeping an eye on his competition. He was determine to get this wolf to join Tortuga. His pack needs it, they are getting low on members, and no pups have been born to the pack this year, so it is vital that he can recruit members to Tortuga.
