
When the world turns its back on you



5 Years
02-12-2016, 11:44 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

It took only a second for the twisting gears inside Glacier's mind to piece together the puzzle that Anais had already solved, and she could almost see the moment that it happened. Recognition flashed within his pale eyes, and a disheartened sigh fell from his lips. Anais's ears folded as she saw the weight of the news settle upon her mate, heavy and no doubt hard to accept. As he sat across from her, she moved in to nuzzle her cheek against his chest, sitting close beside him and offering comfort from her presence. It was not such terrible to news to her - in fact, her brother was partially deaf and she knew that he lived just fine - but Glacier did not strike as that optimistic.

Tilting her head back, she watched the dire wolf as he finished sorting things out and lowered his gaze to hers again. Adaptable, he was already making plans, ways that they could accommodate their daughter's peculiarity in order for her to still function within the pack and around her family. That in itself was encouraging news, and Anais's lips curved into another small smile. "That will help a lot," she agreed, nodding her head, though she thought he still needed a little convincing to believe it himself.

"She'll be fine, Glacier," Anais assured him, touching her nose to his chin, "She's smart, even if hearing's hard for her, and we'll all do our best to learn how to communicate with her." His family was so devoted to each other that she knew without even needing to ask that they would do just as she said. In the end, it would change nothing: Aurora would still be their daughter, and they would still love her just as much as they did Seraphiel. And, despite this one obstacle, Anais was certain she would find her place among them. Her expression was optimistic, assuring, as she stared up at Glacier. "We can make this work."

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.