
Settling In



3 Years
02-13-2016, 01:55 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Varda surprised him by agreeing to accompany him to the lake, and then again as she took the initiative and began to walk in that direction. It all happened so fast that the Legionary-in-training was left staring for a second after her and muttered in sudden answer, "Okay." Given little option but to follow, Miksa quickly fell into step with her, happy despite his surprise to have the blue- and amber-eyed wolf coming along with him. He had thought only to take care of his paws after he had gotten a chance to catch up with Varda, but this appealed to him possibly more.

His ears perked as his friend answered the question he had posed regarding a potential den, and it seemed she had yet to find a place just yet. Miksa glanced at her, trying to gauge whether this was a troubling fact for her or not. It was kind of a big decision since it would make her move to Celestial official, not to mention choosing a location was hard. Did she just need to take her time about it, or would she be open to suggestions if he could find any? Before he could begin to make plans to assist her, she stopped him by remarking that she had a location picked already. His lips curved into a small, gentle smile, glad to hear that her search was going somewhere at least. "Well, if...if you need any help with that," he offered, "I'd be happy to assist." After all, he had done a halfway decent job with his own den. Surely he could do a little remodeling for Varda if she needed it.

Letting his attention slide forward again, he wondered still how well she was adapting to a new life in Celestial. For all appearances, the answer looked positive, but because he was a worrier and could not put his concerns to rest, he knew he was going to need to ask in order to know for certain. "You're settling in okay otherwise?" he asked, glancing sidelong but watching his friend closely. It was important to him that she feel comfortable here, that she adjust as easily and swiftly as possible to her new surroundings and pack. And, because he felt partly responsible for her comfort given his role guiding her here, he was looking for any opportunity to make the transition easier on her.