


02-13-2016, 02:56 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Rory continued to stare wide-eyed and contemplative at the tall, blue-eyed wolf as she kept creeping slowly backward. She had suspected initially that she was doing a good job of making her movements discreet, so discreet that he might not even notice her beginning to sneak way, but it seemed he caught on faster than she gave him credit for. The look on his face seemed to fall, reminding Aurora of disappointment, and again he opened his mouth to make noise. Faintly she could hear his loudly spoken words, almost capable of making them out though she did not understand them, and for a split second she thought about turning and bolting.

What she had mistaken for seriousness, however, transformed as the long and lanky wolf very suddenly dropped animatedly into a playful bow. Oh! The blue pup stopped and tilted her head to the side as she watched him. Maybe she had it all wrong. Maybe he was not here to take her back to Mommy and Daddy. Maybe he was here to play!

Recalling that her beloved sister had a tall friend too, Rory was immediately excited to think that she might have one as well. She fought the urge to grin outright as the blue-grey wolf rolled himself over onto the grasses, and as her tail wagged she gave one wiggle of her hind end before she leaped forward at the prone wolf. She covered the distance between them in bounds and did not stop as she made a leap with the intent of half landing on his chest, a playful, silly growl slipping from her opened muzzle. She batted at the stranger with her white-toed paws and made to bite at one of his forelegs, though did so carefully as Ray had already warned her - puppy teeth hurt.