
now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it



9 Years
02-14-2016, 11:20 PM
Xephyris grinned eagerly as the beast faced him and dropped his mask, returning his challenging growl with a thunderous snarl of his own. Fearless, he was not worried about the other male's size. Himself, he knew he was smaller than most opponents he would face, and he had come to terms with that long ago. It was why he chose targets larger than himself - he had to learn to fight in a world full of bigger, beefier wolves. As Hati readied himself, Xephyris would do the same. His paws shifted in the dirt until they were spread equidistant, knees and elbows bent to lower his center of gravity, toes spreading and claws digging in for good balance. Shoulders rolled forward, bracing for what was to come, while his scruff bunched up protectively around his neck. His head was lowered, just beneath the level of his shoulders, chin tucking to protect his throat. Ears tucked back, muzzle wrinkled up to expose his fangs and eyes narrowed defensively. His hackles would rise along his entire spine, and tail whipped out behind him like a rudder for balance.

The gray-coated male would surge forward at the same time that Hati sprang forward. As the larger male thrust forward his left shoulder, Xephyris would come in low, weight distributed evenly with each paw. Opening his jaws he would aim for the shoulder that was meant to strike his trachea (Hati's left shoulder) in a counter. His head tilted to his right, his lower jaw aiming for the front of Hati's shoulder blade, the upper jaw going for the muscle on the outer side of the shoulder. He hoped to leave deep, serious lacerations with his fangs. He would acquire mild muscle strains to his jaw and neck (should he be successful), but it was preferred over a crushed windpipe. Seconds later, he felt excruciating pain as the two inner toes of his left forepaw were crushed, the bones fracturing; they did not break entirely nor shatter, but still painful nonetheless. He snarled, shifting his weight to his hind legs to take the pressure off his injured forepaw and prepare to lunge.

With Xeph's position adjusted, Hati's fangs would meet in the back of his gray flecked scruff, leaving moderate punctures in the loose skin several inches behind the back of his skull. Xeph growled again with the pain, but the adrenaline would be enough to keep him going for now. His right forepaw lifted, before shooting forward in an attempt to strike Hati's left forepaw, hoping to crush the two outer toes. Then, uncoiling the power in his hind legs, Xephyris would try to ram the front, upper part of his left shoulder into the front-left side of Hati's chest, where the other man's lower neck met with the chest. He intended to leave moderate bruising on the man's forechest, and hoping to get in close quarters for his next attack while bracing himself mentally for the other man's assault that would surely follow.

Hati vs Xephyris || Spar || 1/2