
Tainted with rage



7 Years

02-15-2016, 01:40 AM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2016, 01:03 AM by Ehrgeiz. Edit Reason: editing type of maim )
Gods? His mother should have had the mercy to kill him? He was a sign of his parents displeasing the gods? Ehrgeiz was beginning to realize they really weren't on the same page here. He had no idea what this behemoth was talking about. He couldn't even determine what exactly about his own existence disturbed this man so much. Was it his appearance? His size? And what role did his parents play in all of this? His hated his mother, and he'd never even known his father. "Well, my mother was a godless whore," he retorted, black-tipped tail lashing, "And I'm basically a mirror image of her, so yea, I guess the gods are displeased, or whatever." He had to roll his eyes as he finished speaking - this was ridiculous. He wasn't sure he'd be able to keep a straight face if they kept talking about gods.

The single sky-blue eye narrowed as the giant wolf got offended. You think you've got it bad? he thought irritably, I was just napping 'til you came along. Ah, and then the dire wolf would toss more insults in his direction, for reasons unknown. "How'd you know I was a bastard?" he rumbled, unamused. As the man threatened to destroy him, to apparently do what his parents should have done long ago, he spit in reply, "You can go ahead and try!" The hackles rose on his shoulders, growing more and more irritated. Who the hell did this guy think he was? Then, strangely enough, the beast would introduce himself, and ask for his name. So, it seemed this guy was determined to 'offer his soul' to these so-called gods of his.

Sighing, unable to comprehend this madness, he'd resign himself to it. Didn't look like there was any way out of it, and he wasn't sure he wanted to try to run. "It's Ehrgeiz," he replied, eyeing the great brute. He wasn't gonna let this guy get a headstart on him. He slowly lowered into a ready stance, bending his limbs and splaying his toes, claws tensed to offer himself extra grip. His head lowered, chin tucking to protect his vitals, and shoulders rolled forward, bunching up the loose skin into protective folds of skin around his neck. Lips curled back into a fierce snarl, eye narrowed and ears folded back. All of his hackles rose, spiking up along the back of his neck, shoulders and spine. His tail lashed once more before flicking protectively between his legs. Looking the other man in the eye, he offered a hateful glare. "Hope your gods like piss and vinegar!" he spat viciously, right before he lunged.

He sprung forward, taking a flying leap forward off of the boulder he'd been resting on, his jaws wide open and forepaws tucked into his chest. He was throwing himself full on at his opponent, hoping to collide violently with him. His teeth were aiming straight for the beast's face - tilting his neck to his right, he would attempt to snap his teeth onto the left side of Gwen's face. His upper jaw reached for the man's left eye, hoping to hook a fang into the socket and pluck the eye right out. The lower jaw would try to close on Gwen's left cheek, hoping to leave moderate punctures and gain a solid grip that he could worsen later. Simultaneously his forelegs would uncurl. His left forepaw struck out toward the other guy's windpipe, several inches under the chin, hoping to strike with the back of his forepaw. He intended to leave moderate bruising and possibly choke him. His right forepaw uncurled and aimed for the front, uppermost part of Gwen's left shoulder blade, trying to leave moderate bruising and dig his nails in a little, hoping to leave some mild scratches.

Lastly, he'd twist his body to his right to try to swing his right hip with the force of his body weight flying through the air, toward the inner part of Gwen's left elbow. If he was accurate, he hoped to leave bruising and cause the joint to bend and hopefully send the man off balance. His intention with this entire movement was to end up hanging off of the massive brute's face. If he missed, well, he might just find himself sprawled on the ground in a rather dire predicament.

Ehrgeiz vs Gwenaƫl || Maim [left ear] || 1/3?

Given permission by Evelyn to edit the type of fight (adding what kind of maim)