
Making Sea Shells by the Seashore



6 Years

02-15-2016, 02:31 AM

Esarosa couldn't help but to smirk and snicker as he looked a little disgusted by all that had just happened. Digging for clams, splashing sandy water all over the place, just for this weird piece of prey. Surely for him, it wasn't all worth it. But, he was still willing, and that made Esa happy. She had to feel a little bad for it as well, asking him to do all these weird things and then finding amusement in it all, but he didn't leave. In fact, when she asked if he wanted to give it a go, he moved toward the water with intention to mimic what she'd done. And he did it well, digging furiously, splashing up filthy water just as she had. When he lifted his head, he had two clams trapped between his teeth, which he dropped on the sand near the clam she'd caught.

Her eyes widened, and an excited smile spread across her face as he dropped his catch. She wasn't sure if she'd ever plucked two clams from the sand at once. She was impressed, and a little jealous at his catch. Beginners luck! she thought, though not in contempt. "Nice catch!" she exclaimed, unable to help herself, "You're a natural!" She offered him a smile, wagging her tail enthusiastically. Now she looked to the clams again. One of them was already trying to wriggle away, its shell parting and its little muscles moving around to start digging at the sand. "You might want to crush them, before they try to get away," she said with an amused laugh, reaching forward to place a paw on the sneaky clam.

Looking up to his face, she noticed the smallest change in his expression. Was that a smile? Was this melancholy wolf actually smiling after all of this? Esarosa couldn't help but to be surprised, and quite delighted. It was nice to know she'd played some sort of role in that. After all, he hadn't been smiling when they'd first met, but that seemed to have changed. Maybe he was actually having a little fun - she couldn't really tell, but that was her guess. She knew she was having fun. It was also hard work, and she could feel the muscles in her forelegs burning, and her pads felt pretty worn from digging through the gritty sand.

"Well, that's it for clam digging - pretty fun, right?" she said with a huff, then a big yawn overcame her, "Whew, I think I'm just about ready for a nap. But I need more snacks, first." Her eyes looked further up the shore where the strange, wide-based trees were. If she could find the right one, it might be perfect for resting. But first, she'd spend a little more time finding crabs under the rocks. They'd be more filling than the clams. "Finding crabs is even easier," she mentioned, turning back to Steel after looking toward the trees, "They hide under rocks. If you want to find the bigger ones, they're usually under bigger rocks. Just watch your nose and paws around the barnacles, they're really sharp!" She'd picked up her clam then and take it along with her as she began seeking out promising looking rocks. She carefully tipped back one rock after the other, only to find tiny little crabs that went skittering away. They weren't really worth catching, they were mostly all shell.

Sighing, she looked to Steel. "Maybe you can find a good one," she hinted, waiting to see if he'd give it a try. His luck had been pretty good when he'd caught the clams. Hopefully he'd find a big, juicy crab; her mouth watered at just the thought of it. She knew she wouldn't sleep until she filled her belly a little more. Tilting her head, she wondered what Steel would do once they'd finished digging up sea creatures. Where had he come from, and where was he going? He said he had nowhere to be, so he really must be roaming just like she was. It could be a lonesome existence, but there was something freeing about it as well. They could go anywhere, anytime, but most of the time, that path was walked alone. Well, whenever they would part ways, it didn't really matter, it was the present moment that was worth while.

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