


02-16-2016, 03:59 PM
(Hope it's okay if I make a female Scarlatti)

Name: Fioralba Scarlatti
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Relation to Basil: Sister, maybe?
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Ladylike:: Like most others, Fioralba was raised to be ladylike and have respect for others, and to help others. She will not hesitate to help those that need it, and never will she expect anything in return for whatever she did. She strives to be like her brothers, and like the only female in the Mafioso. Fioralba cares for the others' well being quite a bit, ecspecially those she looks up to. She isn't the quietest one in the world, but the female seems to mean well most of the time. Fioralba isn't anyone who could be particularly cold-hearted towards others if they needed her. Maybe she would be a little too soft for the Mafioso.

Loyal:: Fioralba is fiercely loyal to her family, although it wouldn't seem as obvious through her ladylike demeanor. Nobody would be able to pull her away from her family, not even with the things she wants most. Blood comes first, the female also considering those in the Mafioso family, and Fioralba would turn against her friends if it meant that her family would remain safe. Nonetheless, her faith in them would tell her that they could take care of themselves if it came to bloodshed.

Independent:: Despite Fioralba's loyalty to her family, she has no intention of staying around them every living moment she has. Staying around the same wolves can get boring, you know? Because of this, it most likely won't be a surprise when she is gone for hours, maybe even days, on end. She is working on things by herself, although she may not know what she's doing at the moment. In a way, the female is helping the Mafioso look for the traitor, although she won't gain anything from it. The other things she's doing might as well be exploring and meeting new wolves, since she doesn't have a set goal to do there, unlike the others. Besides, she thinks that the others won't be there long and they can try to move on and find a new home.

Envious::  Fioralba could be described as envious when it comes to comes to the Mafioso and the fact that she isn't a part of it. She finds that it is quite offensive that females aren't really allowed in it. She wants to be a part of it with all her being, constantly trying to prove her worth. She isn't a delicate flower; she can be a big help to them. Fioralba longs to help her family in some way other than just being there, almost as a decoy. She hopes and prays with all her might that some day she will be able to be in it instead of just lingering around them.

Appearance: Fioralba is more delicate looking than she would like, adding onto her ladylike appearance. For her height of 36 inches, she is surprisingly thin, not a muscular female riddled with scars. Maybe that's a good thing. The female's pelt is one to be admired, although she has no real markings unique to her. It is the blend of colors that claim her as a Scarlatti, and make her bloodline impossible to deny.

Fioralba has a mix of chocolate, deep rusts and mahogany coating her. The edges of each ear are coated in dark chocolate, along with each limb. It also makes a mark on her face, creating a dot that rests just over her eyes. The rest of her is a mix of the three, her bodice being mostly rust with the exception of flecks of mahogany and chocolate making her appear like she has been dusted with the other two colors. She is mostly without markings with the exception of those few. Still, it creates a beautiful creature to some.

Fioralba's eyes are what steal the show, though. They are an ice blue in color, with flecks of darker blue and lavender hidden within. Her eyes are captivating, the frozen color a striking contrast to her reddish coat colors.

History: 100+ words